Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Lets look at the bigger picture

So how many people have mentioned the weather to you today? Yes it is cold, yes it has been raining for days and no we really shouldn't have to have our heating on in June. It was definitely boiling hot on 12 June 2001 when I was walking around with swollen ankles, 6 days away from giving birth. Don't worry I'll leave it there....

But come on guys....let's just get over it! We're all perfectly safe, God promised us that right? Even my 5 year old knows that. There are people who have been affected badly by having their homes flooded and for fellow fans of springwatch on bbc the affect on wildlife has been devestating. We have to remember that there are people suffering with terrible illness, debt,bereavement etc and I just feel a little perspective is called for. I for one am pleased that I haven't spent money on getting my air con fixed in my car!

The sun WILL shine again but in the meantime I'm putting on my lovely purple wellies & zipping up my raincoat. Might even get myself a new brolly!

Who's going to join me splashing in puddles? Obviously it wouldn't do any harm to pray for a little sunshine while we splash:)

Esther xx


  1. Perspective is SO important, you're very right x

    1. Thank you, and the sun did shine today! X
