Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How do we define value?

I've just watched a programme called Antiques Road trip

It's the usual format with antiques experts getting pieces and selling them on for profit at auction. One
of this evenings lots was a Staffordshire piece depicting an elephant with a clock on its back. It had
quite a bit of damage and the shop owner said he had got it for nothing as it had been left, unloved 
at the back of a cupboard for many years. The shop owner put a value of £12 on it and placed it for 
Along came the antiques expert and as he thought it was an unusual piece offered £8 as an 
experiment as much as anything else.
So fast forward to audition day. There was a really flurry of interest in the room but the real drama
happened via telephone bid & Internet bid. The price crept up & up and the £8 elephant sold for £2700

I believe, all too often, we try to put a value on people too. A movie star, pop singer or premiership 
footballer is treated better than that homeless person that gets walked past without a second glance.  If a famous 
person walked into a shop there would be a great deal of excitement and probably a lot of anticipation
for what the shop management could gain from this person. I suspect that if a homeless person walked 
Into the same shop the management would be more concerned with getting him or her out of the shop

God wouldn't shove anyone 'to the back of the cupboard'. He thinks each and everyone one of us is 
a treasure, the most valuable and precious thing in the whole world and worthy of his love without exception.
He doesn't care how much you earn, where you live or how influential your friends are.

He loves you, end of.

Esther xx

Thursday, 13 September 2012

My disability

Sunday at church we were asked to think about what our disability might be. It could be physical, mental, financial or basically anything that might stop you living the way you'd like to.

I praise God for being physically healthy and for being blessed with a husband who is my soul mate and our 2 beautiful boys but I realised that I do have a disability. My disability is a complete lack of confidence. My self esteem is currently flat on her face not wanting to get up. Now I've never been overly confident in my ability, looks or body but these feeling have definitely peaked lately and I'm pretty sure that job hunting hasn't helped in the least. I've been left feeling like I'm basically of no use to society.

What has really struck me over the last few days is how much this stops me from doing things and how many offers I decline (mainly social) as I'll automatically think I'll fail, say something stupid, be rubbish, or have nothing to add. This doesn't make me a very good role model to my children and certainly isn't allowing me to fulfil God's great plans for me.

I'm going to try & take baby steps to rebuilding my self esteem, saying yes a few more times without going into a blind panic.I really don't want to spiral downwards any more but I know God has a very tight hold on me and He wont let me go.

Esther xx

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Stumbling block

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. (Hebrews 10:35, 36 NIV)

I turned to my bible app this evening as I'm feeling down. Today we found out that we'd lost out on the house we really wanted to buy. I felt really upset but knew deep down God has it all in hand and that, for whatever reason, that house wasn't the one for us.

How interesting that the first verse I should read would speak of perseverance & the rewards that come with it.  If that's not a clear word from God telling me to 'hang on in there' I don't know what is! 

So the search continues......

Esther xx  

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Sums it up

This verse keeps coming to me & reminding me that our rewards are in heaven. Collecting our treasures on earth is pretty pointless.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. (Matthew 6:19 NIV)

Esther xx

Friday, 7 September 2012

New beginnings

It has been a crazy long time since my last post & I keep putting it off as I don't have a clear subject to blog on but please stay with me! I think it's partly because my head is so full of stuff that I don't know where to start.

It's been an eventful summer with the highlight most definitely being our holiday to Florida. Family time in such an amazing location is just priceless. It was a jam packed 2 weeks of Disney, Universal studios, LOTS of food, beautiful sunshine, lots of laughter, swimming, shopping & quality time.

The time away gave us new perspective on life and we made some decisions to improve the quality of our life but we will need to make some sacrifices first.
Let me explain. We have decided to sell our house (that we love) to move to a different part of town which will almost wipe our mortgage enabling me to give up work as I'm getting down doing what I'm doing & take a load of pressure off my Husband who's business has been struggling for a while now.

I honestly don't think I would have thought to do this before I was saved & I can see clearly that it's Jesus working to give me the life he wants for me. The old me would've hung onto all those materialistic things regardless of whether it made me or my family happy. Letting go of those things is the most humbling spiritual feeling ever.

We've found a house we would love to buy but haven't had our offer accepted as we haven't sold. God is teaching me patience that's for sure & that I need to just hand it all over to Him.

So, I hope that made at least some sense. Will try to put together a more coherent post very soon!

Esther xx