Thursday, 13 September 2012

My disability

Sunday at church we were asked to think about what our disability might be. It could be physical, mental, financial or basically anything that might stop you living the way you'd like to.

I praise God for being physically healthy and for being blessed with a husband who is my soul mate and our 2 beautiful boys but I realised that I do have a disability. My disability is a complete lack of confidence. My self esteem is currently flat on her face not wanting to get up. Now I've never been overly confident in my ability, looks or body but these feeling have definitely peaked lately and I'm pretty sure that job hunting hasn't helped in the least. I've been left feeling like I'm basically of no use to society.

What has really struck me over the last few days is how much this stops me from doing things and how many offers I decline (mainly social) as I'll automatically think I'll fail, say something stupid, be rubbish, or have nothing to add. This doesn't make me a very good role model to my children and certainly isn't allowing me to fulfil God's great plans for me.

I'm going to try & take baby steps to rebuilding my self esteem, saying yes a few more times without going into a blind panic.I really don't want to spiral downwards any more but I know God has a very tight hold on me and He wont let me go.

Esther xx


  1. I can relate to this. Baby steps is the way to go, break the task down so it doesnt seem to large. Please know you are not the onl person to feel like this. You ARE NOT alone in this. Much love xx

    1. I'm going to try really hard to do that, thank you so much for your support. Xx

  2. Clinging to God is a great start Esther :) Then, as you say, we need to start taking baby steps out of our comfort zone....He will then do the rest. I wholeheartedly believe this. Bless you x x

  3. Thank you Suzanne, baby steps it is then! Xx
